One of the latest updates to Facebook pages allows business pages to select a cover photo to go along with their profile picture. This is good news for business page owners as the additional photo space will allow them to add depth and refinement to their overall page.
As the profile picture itself will remain on the left-hand side of the cover photo, be superimposed, and remain smaller; it is a good place to move an image that reflects the company identity in either text or logo format.
The new rules regarding the cover photos are primarily designed to keep businesses from using the cover photo as an advertisement or part of a marketing promotion.
Facebook itself warns against using the photos as advertisements, promotions, or coupons.
When it comes to specifics, they point to leaving out:
– Price or purchase information
– Contact information that would normally reside in your ‘About Us’ section
– References to user interface elements or any other site features available
– User prompts that ask or invite the user to take an action as a result of seeing the picture
– Incentives or exhortations for the users to take the photo and upload to their own profile
The photos must also not be construed as false or misleading advertising.
As for sizing the photos, the photos you submit must be at least 399 pixels wide. The recommended dimensions are 851 pixels wide and 315 pixels tall. Facebook additionally asks that you save the file in a size that is less than 100 kb.
In the area of intellectual property, page builders are not to use material copyright to someone else. They are also to note that they cannot hide the cover photo from select groups of people that visit the page. The cover photo will be visible to everyone.
Given the rules, the question remains open as to how most corporations and companies will use the new cover photos. Tech companies that have used a cover photo thus far seem to have chosen to focus on image-related marketing; showing pictures of happy people that ostensibly use each firms products. One exception to the image marketing trend is Apple, which currently features pictures of its actual products and software in its cover photo.