There are countless ways to drive traffic to your site, from influencer partnerships to organic content and beyond. But if you really want to attract eyeballs, it can be smart to invest in pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns that catapult your site to the top of search results.

The most relevant question is: how much should you spend?

While large, multinational companies can afford to target broad, high-volume keywords, smaller businesses must allocate their marketing dollars more carefully. In this short guide, we’ll go over the main considerations in setting your PPC budget.

To Set Your Budget, Set Your Goals

Do you need to make a profit on your first PPC campaign? If so, you might be disappointed. It can take time and information to figure out which keywords are best for capturing your target audience. However, profitability isn’t the only measurement of a campaign’s success.

Before diving in, set clear goals for each campaign. For instance, these could include:

  • Brand awareness – Enticing more eyeballs toward a new product in the marketplace can be a goal in and of itself. In this case, success is measured in views and CTR.
  • Sales – If you need to generate a profit from your campaign, weigh your spending against the amount you could realistically generate on sales (based on your margin for the product or service and the anticipated CTR).

With clear goals, you’ll be able to measure the success of your strategy.

Create and Implement a Strategy

Next, it’s time to set the budget that can best help you achieve your goals. As you design your campaign, consider the following:

  • How much are you willing to pay per click? More targeted keywords may require less cash, but you’ll cast a narrower net. Google Ad Bids simulator helps you understand how higher bids will affect CTR. Create an automated bidding strategy in line with your goals.
  • What percentage of your advertising budget can you spend on PPC? Paid clicks are only a small part of a healthy marketing strategy. While they can be a fast way to attract leads to your website, you should also dedicate resources to a long-term SEO strategy that can boost your search appearance over time. 

Based on this data, set a monthly budget for your campaigns.

Follow The Data With A/B Testing

Even if your first campaign doesn’t generate profit right away, it can produce valuable data. To that end, it’s imperative that you track the following:

  • Impressions
  • Interaction rate
  • Cost per click

Once you have a better understanding of your users’ interests, you can adjust your strategy and spending. Beyond the financial information, you’ll also receive invaluable insights into potential customers’ search habits and interests. Even if you bid on “exact match” searches, you’ll likely show up for dozens of additional search queries.

You can then use this data to adjust your SEO strategy and try to rank for relevant keywords.

From PPC to SEO, Create a Holistic Strategy with Semgeeks

While PPC can increase your brand’s visibility, it comes with a literal cost per click. Is it worth it?

At Semgeeks, a pay per click advertising agency in NJ, we help you make the most of PPC campaigns—from setting the right budget for your business’ size and goals to utilizing data insights to further develop your marketing strategy. Want to learn more about how much you should really pay per click? Perfect. 

We’re excited to meet you. 


Business 2 Community. What is PPC Advertising and How Effective is It?

Search Engine Journal. Ask a PPC.