Love it or hate it, social media isn’t going anywhere. In the span of a decade, more than 3.5 billion people have fused their physical life with the digital—and all signs indicate that adoption rates will only continue to rise. 

And what began as a personal tool for connecting with others has now evolved into a hub for commerce. Going forward, social media marketing provides B2Bs the most long-term upside as the social stratosphere becomes all the more entwined with society and consumer behavior. 

Here are four reasons why it is crucial for your B2B. 

#1 It’s a Consumer Hub

Social media has quickly become one of the most impactful ways businesses can interact and engage with their audiences. That’s why 97% of all Fortune 500 enterprises and 71% of small-to-midsize businesses use it to market themselves, forge brand relations, and drive sales. 

If you’re not on social media, you’d best believe that your competitors will be. 

But even then, simply being on it isn’t enough. With so much market saturation, you need to set objectives and build a detailed content strategy that fully leverages the top five B2B social media platforms:

  1. LinkedIn
  2. Facebook
  3. Instagram
  4. Twitter
  5. YouTube

#2 Buyers Respond to Social Media Marketing

The modern sales process has shifted dramatically—today’s consumers typically begin their buying journey by virtual window shopping via Google and social media. As a result, most are well down the buyer’s funnel before they ever encounter a direct touchpoint with a sales rep. 

And at that stage, they’re far more primed to be pushed over the hump than they otherwise would be via cold outreach. 

To target such consumers, you must first establish your brand as a thought leader and industry expert. LinkedIn reports that more than “62% of B2B buyers respond to salespersons that connect with relevant insights and opportunities.” And on social media, you accomplish that by sharing insightful content, interacting with others, and commenting on relevant posts.  

#3 It Builds Customer Relationships

B2B social media marketing is the easiest avenue for brands to engage with their customers on a frequent basis. It provides several interaction channels, whether it’s commenting, submitting content, or reaching out directly via DMs.

Over time, this fosters familiarity, forges bonds, and establishes your authority as a thought leader. And when that happens—when customers feel more connected with brands—surveys show that they’re more likely to: 

  • Recommend the brand to a friend or colleague (68%)
  • Buy over a competitor (76%) 
  • Spend more with the brand (57%)
  • Be loyal to the brand (64%)

#4 Social Media Drives ROI 

Social media is an ROI driver. It produces tangible results and real value. A Hub Spot 2022 Marketing Industry Trends Report broke down ROI per platform: 

  • Facebook (21%)
  • Instagram (18%)
  • Linkedin (14%)
  • TikTok (12%)
  • YouTube (11%)

These numbers are why more than half of those marketers polled said they planned to increase their investment, with 26% of those apportioning the largest share of their marketing budget to social. Put simply, you can expect a noticeable return for every dollar you strategically invest in social media marketing. 

Social Media Marketing with Semgeeks 

For B2Bs, social media marketing is no longer an option or an add-on. It’s a must-have. The benefits it provides are simply too great to ignore. 

But what if you don’t know how to create and fully leverage a social media marketing strategy? 

Semgeeks is a social media agency in New Jersey that’s worked with countless brands to establish their presence and build their brand. Whether it’s custom content creation or marketing via a specific channel like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, our team can help you create a winning content strategy. 

Ready to get started? Let’s talk.


Statista. Number of social network users worldwide from 2017 to 2025.

Entrepreneur. 97% of Fortune 500 Companies Rely on Social Media. Here’s How You Should Use It for Maximum Impact.

Forbes. Social Media is Down, Now What?—now-what/?sh=40edc0a319fc

LinkedIn. What Is Social Selling?

Sprout Social. #BrandsGetReal: What consumers want from brands in a divided society.

Hub Spot. Marketing Industry Trends Report.