How involved are students in your higher education marketing? If the answer is “not much,” you are missing out on key opportunities to connect with prospects. Some of the best resources for higher education content is right under your nose. Current students are the ones living the life, so they can offer a unique perspective that your marketing department can’t.
In this post, I’m going to show you some of the ways that you can involve students in your higher EDU marketing. Get ready to shake up your content strategy, drive more traffic to your website and keep students engaged.
Generate content with a firsthand perspective.
Content is a huge part of a higher education marketing strategy because it allows you to share your message, show off your campus and inform prospects. However, content is a major commitment that takes time away from other tasks. Not to mention, it’s normal to run out of ideas over time.
Students offer a unique perspective that people in your admissions department don’t have. Reach out to student ambassadors and other influential students and ask them to contribute content to your blog and social media channels. Many will be happy to share their experiences and give readers an idea of a day in the life of a student.
Show an authentic side of your higher institution.
The problem with marketing that comes from the top is that students perceive it as being fabricated. They know that marketing and admissions departments are creating the content, so they are skeptical about the message. But, if you let students take part in the marketing, your content automatically becomes more genuine.
When involving students in your digital marketing, give them the freedom to express themselves while staying within your schools’ guidelines. Prospects will appreciate candid images and video clips that feel honest and relatable.
Learn how your school is viewed by others.
The trends move quickly, and one group of people that is always changing is college students. If you don’t keep up with this demographic, your marketing will always be a step behind. Let students take part in your college marketing and listen and learn from them. You can get a good idea for what’s trending, what content college prospects like to consume and more. This can quickly put you ahead of your competitors.
Reach a wider audience.
The more you invite students to be engaged with your marketing, the easier it will be to reach a wider audience. Students have their own fans and followers, and the authenticity of the content appeals to more people. Be sure to mix up your content so that it appeals to many different people. Podcasts, online lectures and social media takeovers are unique ideas that many schools are only beginning to experiment with.
You have a full campus of students that will be happy to support your school and share their experiences. Be open to listening and learning from them.