Savvy businesses are soaking up the benefits to social PPC because of the additional leads and sales that can result. While social PPC won’t replace Google AdWords, it’s still an effective way to round out your social media marketing strategy. Knowing which factors equal success is important to maximize your social PPC efforts. Let’s talk about a few of the key factors below.

Identify Your Target Audience

You need to identify your audience beyond the traditional, “Who is searching for my keywords?” Are they business owners? Stay at home parents? Students? What are their interests, hobbies and motivations for buying? The more you understand your audience, the better you can reach them through the right language, tone and keywords.

Define Your Marketing Challenge

What marketing challenges are you faced with? Perhaps you have an active organic presence but lack engaged customers. Paid social is beneficial for raising awareness about your brand and engaging customers, so understanding what you hope to achieve will help you map out a strategy.

Determine Your Objectives

Once you have identified your target audience and marketing challenges, you can easily define what your goals are. If your objective is to engage more customers, build this into your strategy. How do you plan to interest your audience and keep them engaged?

Divide Up Your Audience

You probably have multiple segments within your target audience, and taking the extra time to target them will have huge benefits. For instance, you may be targeting students, but you can segment them based on gender or area of study. Use this information to set up PPC campaigns accordingly.

Know the Social Channel

The most popular social media channels include LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Google+. You don’t have to be on all of them – the goal is to choose the channels where your audience is most likely to be. That said, understand the platform, its benefits and how it works with social PPC.

LinkedIn, for instance, requires you to identify target companies and job levels, as well as use Sponsored Updates. Facebook, on the other hand, allows you to build a custom audience and use Sponsored Posts in the newsfeed.


Social PPC is a smart way to enhance your paid social campaigns and work through marketing obstacles that have been slowing you down. When used in conjunction with AdWords, you can bring your business to a new level with quality leads and boosted sales.