The doors have already been opened into what some call The Golden Age. On-demand marketing is a component of the digital age and is changing the way we look at marketing efforts for both businesses and consumers. In recent years, marketing has been “on” but that doesn’t mean it has been relevant or responsive. On-demand marketing cuts right through the commotion and delivers personalized results that lead to positive experiences for the user.
On-demand marketing is already evolving. Say you’re sitting at a restaurant and want to know which dishes are the best. No need to ask the waiter; Google Now has recommendations. Before you leave, you want to know what the traffic is like. Should you take the expressway or back roads? Oh yes, and you want to know where to stop for ice cream. And what the weather is like. Using one app, you can have all of your questions answered in real-time. This is on-demand marketing.
What does on-demand marketing mean for advertisers?
How can we devise smart marketing campaigns based on ROI while keeping our customers rich with real-time information?
As digital capabilities become more enhanced, consumer demands will rise. Consumers will want the ability to interact anytime, anywhere, with an experience that is truly customized to their own likes and interests. Consumers will expect that all interactions will be made easy and that there will be new possibilities in balancing dissimilar kinds of information at one time. Essentially, each user experience on the Internet will be unique while maintaining consistency across platforms.
When consumers are able to experience a brand through a variety of outlets, they have a much higher chance of purchasing the product and becoming a long-term customer. Research shows that experience and cost are the main factors that drive consumers to make a purchase, so if we can manipulate the experience to better meet our customers’ needs, we can build the types of customer rapports that businesses thrive off.
Already, on-demand marketing is emerging and includes NFC technology, optimized online spaces, big data and the Internet of Things. Some predict that it won’t be long before we can search by image, voice or gesture, or participate in meaningful conversations by taking pictures or making a purchase.
On-demand marketing is only in its infancy and still has much more in store. All we can do is fasten our seatbelts for the ride of a lifetime; just make sure you’re in the driver’s seat.